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822 HotGlue_BertJanPot_64076-1-press822 HotGlue_BertJanPot_64076-1-press

Exhibitions dedicated to design are a tricky thing. Objects that earn their right of existence because of their function and place in the world are very often judged only on their sculptural qualities when exhibited. Or sometimes the written text accompanying an object is so much more important than the actual thing, you might even consider leaving the object out.

When Museum Boijmans van Beuningen asked me to make an exhibition I honestly had my doubts. To only showcase products that already found their way into people’s homes didn’t seem appealing to me. I didn’t really feel like doing a retrospective, I’d rather look forward.

I became excited when I realised that I could also use the museum to show other things. Design processes, making processes and half-finished ideas that have not quite found their place yet. This exhibition is a combination of those elements and each work involved can be seen in various ways; experiments in color and material, inspiration for new textiles or products or maybe some of these rough and ready made things are closer to a finished work than they appear at first sight.

Hot glue is an exhibition in 3 spaces of the Boijmans van Beuningen museum filled with the current state of my mask project, gloves, triaxial baskets, various textile experiments and a table with 57 light proposals. A lot of it is held together with hot glue, hence the title of the exhibition.

Instead of saying: 'one day this will end up in a museum', these things appeared in a museum first, but hopefully will find their way into the real world later.
